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Human Trafficking: Massage Therapist Certificate
Thursday, January 26, 2023, 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM EDT
Category: Webinar


Human Trafficking Webinar (1 CE - FL Mandatory)

FSMTA's collaboration with the US Institute Against Human Trafficking (USIAHT) brings you this required continuing education class. It provides an overview of the crimes of sex and labor human trafficking. It offers a global perspective of human trafficking as a whole, and focuses in on human sex trafficking in the United States as it pertains to the Massage Therapy Industry. Participants will be equipped to identify potential victims of sex trafficking and potential illicit establishments, and will be equipped to report suspicions to the appropriate agencies, including “actionable tips” for reporting to law enforcement. Click the link below to register!

A portion of the proceeds from this webinar is donated to the US Institute Against Human Trafficking.

Please note: You must be in attendance for the full time of the class to receive credit. If you are more than 20 minutes late arriving into the webinar, you will not receive credit for the class. Please download the Zoom app on your computer, iPad, or mobile device, allowing sufficient time in case you experience technical difficulties. Please understand that if you experience technical difficulties and miss large portions of the class, you may not receive credit. Every person must be registered and logged in to a device to receive credit. If you call in on a cell phone, you may not receive credit.

Live webinars are LIVE - no recordings are available.

Once you complete and submit the initial registration form, you will receive an email with a link to complete the registration process. At that time, please enter your full name (as associated with your massage license), license number, and your phone number to ensure you receive CE credit. Next, you will receive a confirmation email with the Zoom login information.